Friday, November 21, 2008

Currently evaluating Oracle BPM 10gR3

For the next one month I want to be critically evaluating Oracle BPM 10gR3. 


Yes this is the new face and name of  BEA Aqualogic BPM 6.5 , now with Oraclelization it is called as Oracle BPM 10gR3. Too early to make a comment.


My aim is to see how well Oracle has leveraged and integrated the BEA Aqua logic BPM products with its other products to offer a complete suite.


Getting started was easy .... Installed Oracle BPM Studio  from the link below. To get started

Please visit:

Here you will find download link – for initially getting your feet wet purposes, download of studio should suffice. Also, there is a tutorial and link to docs.


Installation was smooth, took around 60 Minutes. I referred to this site for the product documentation


One glitch ....

It took me 20 minutes to figure out why the "Launch Workspace" icon was disabled. Figured out that after designing the process I had unfortunately clicked on either "outline" or the "Log Pane" that exist below and clicking on those panes dynamical change the Menu and disable certain icons.


More later



1 comment:

KnowYourTrueNature said...

this is a typical production env client has 3 layers, webtier with directory servers, business layer includes app and bpm layer, resource layer or database. both business and database are behind firwall and webtier is betn DMZ.

Now how do i associated secruity credentials and roles of ldap in webtier to BPM layer ,is there any simple proecess at runtime. do i need to make one-one associates of ldap uid to bpm-repositories.there isno other way,at runtime can i modify these. /solnsarch/techarch