At end of last Tuesday I made a call to switch to Enterprise Standalone but the efforts put in were good learning and useful for Standalone Installation as well. So for the purpose of proceeding with evaluation going forward I have shifted to Enterprise Standalone Version as my focus is BPM.
Some learnings or observations .... On the Oracle website they refer to downloading Oracle BPM
Ok so with the ultimate aim being to Deploying and Publishing a New BPM Project I had to go through a series of steps. (For standalone I needed a much smaller set but the practice and drill was worthwhile learning in terms of infrastructure and operationalization of product.
- Creating Directory Service ( need to configure Directory Database Schema)
- Creating a Process Execution Engine ( need to configure a separate Execution Engine Database Schema)
- Configuring Weblogic Server
- Creating Weblogic Server Domain
- Create Oracle BPM Deploy User
- Installing Oracle BPM Deployer
- Creating JDBC Data Sources on BEA Weblogic Server
- Creating JMS Server, Module & Resources
- Configuring the Deployer and Deployment Targets
- Enabling Clustering
- Building and Deploying Application EAR Files
- Deploying and Publishing a New BPM Project
As of now I have Standalone Enterprise BEA BPM configured with Directory (Oracle 10g DB). Engine DB configuration has some issues due to privileges. Make sure you have a friendly DBA to help out.
I am trying to come up with a set of use cases to test out different features.
Thanks for helpful pointers. Could you please elaborate on those steps (screenshots, detailed instructions,...). Thanks again
Hi Aravind,
I too felt the same way with BPM with weblogic. After reading your article I am ready to switch to Standalone version. If you don't mind and since you have already working configuration, can you send me step by step instruction about configuration. That helps me a lot. Thanks in advance for your help.
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