SOA on SOA!!
It was difficult to put the most appropriate words to my thoughts but what I am trying to bring out is that SOA implementation should not burden the service providers and consumers to go through the burden of learning all the latest standards, tools & technologies.
They should just worry about their business logic and there should be a framework which transparently takes care of making that business logic a service as in SOA world while adhering to their company's enterprise policies, processes and standards.
How to enable this? Enterprise architects should closely watch two upcoming standards - SCA & JBI.
JBI is JSR 208 and called as Java Business Integration. SCA is Service component architecture.
JBI is used by system integrators during physical deployment (customers and end users do not see this). It helps in management & interoperability of your SOA infrastructure.
SCA has a design and composition perspective. It is used by developers to annotate or put notes in their code to describe service and their dependencies.
The aim is to create a virtual container for hosting services. This way services can be plugged into ESB or into an existing Policy Manager. It will be independent of language and will help as a framework for exposing business logic as service.
The other significant benefits I see are
- Consistent deployment & management
- Location Transperancy (Virtualization)
- Policy Enforcement
- Consistent Security Model
- SOA does not means every developer needs to know about WSDL or WS-* or other standards. They need to know the core business logic.
- It might possibly help in transaction coordination.
So let us try to use our own methodology SOA to help in implementation & adoption of SOA.